At PCOM, we don’t just expect our people to work for us, we expect to work for them too; happy employees engender maximum productivity, unbounded creativity and close camaraderie, ultimately leading to us achieving our business goals.
Our company’s aim is to promote splendorous lifestyles enabled by smart technology, so our very first customers are our very own people.
 | Where Work Is Play Imagine coming to work everyday to a state-of-the-art, intelligent building – the first of its kind in Southeast Asia – that has been enhanced with award-winning interior design and outfitted with high-tech work and lifestyle gadgets. Is this work or is this play? Here, it is one and the same. |
 | Where Everyone Matters We adopt a horizontal management practice in which every idea is heard, discussed and taken into consideration. Every PCOM employee is an important part of the company, and the sum of its parts determines the greatness of the whole. |
 | Where Safety Comes First Not only do we continuously think of ways to create an ideal work environment, we make sure that our employees’ wellbeing are secured: we employ the latest in security technology to ensure their safety and peace of mind. |
 | Where People Are Nurtured We invest heavily in employees’ personal and professional development, including a myriad of training programs and education subsidies. |
 | Where We Provide Long-term Benefits We make higher EPF contributions than the standard industry practice, and it even increases after a certain length of service; we like to take care of our people for the long-term. |
 | Where Your Family’s Well-being Also Matters Happy family, happy worker. We provide medical and hospitalization coverage that encompasses family members as well. |
 | Where Smiles Are Bright Our people are happy employees, so we make sure that their smiles are white and bright. All PCOM staff are entitled to dental benefits. |
 | Where Bellies Are Filled It would be remiss to not mention the small but important detail of our well-stocked and equipped pantry, with ample refreshments and entertainment for employees to get much-needed breaks throughout the day. |
In the PCOM office, the lines between work, fun and leisure are blurred. If we have piqued your curiosity, email to enquire about working with us.